Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas....A Little Late

First, my apologies for the long wait between posts. Not a very good start for a baby blogger like me! But, I am back, and quite excited to share a Young Homeowner Conquest.

I, Bitsy, fixed a toilet yesterday. Wait for it...what a success, right? Now, broken toilets most certainly fell under the category of Things I Neglected to Realize before buying a house. This particular loo is stationed in the master bath, and where some are equipped with a solid chain, mine came with a rubber line, perfect for breaking after long submersion. (more after the jump.)

Photo courtesy of RusticGirls.com

As you can see, that chain is attached to the flapper valve, which is what lifts and drains the tank, and to the flush arm, which you control by the handle. My rubber line had broken at the flush arm, which I discovered after removing the lid to the master bath tank, and then to the guest bath to compare what it was supposed to look like in there. After some maneuvering in my own bathroom, I realized that the flush arm came with two holes through it so the rubber line could connect at both a higher point and a lower point as well, depending on the length of the line. If this happens to you and there is enough length left, pull the top of the rubber line through the lower hole on the flush arm, and your toilet should be absolved of that little problem. (I'm not sure what to do in the case of broken chains.)

Enough of that dirty issue...it has begun to look a lot like Christmas down here in the Southernmost Part of the United States (I'll leave you to guess where I am!). Except, Christmas has passed, the decorations are down, and Christmas itself was rather....well, toasty, and not in the champagne sense. But, Little House has begun to undergo another phase of decoration, fondly known by those in the know as Operation Redecoration. Because I didn't have a whole lot of time to spend on the house until now, Little House has always been cute...but not put together. My sisters and I have started to put in some finishing touches, so I'll throw a few your way, and then leave you with a few of my ideas! 

Happy New Year, y'all!

Everyone's new favourite corner; second floor landing.

New throw pillows!

Near & Dear Ideas
Faux flowers submerged in water look larger than life and so pretty!

Find a blank shade and write whatever speaks most to you & yours!

Paint your own rug! I love this idea!

A jar of bright candies makes guests feel super welcome!

All photos courtesy of Bitsy or Pinterest.

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